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[av_heading heading=’Welcome to Jump Start Centre’ tag=’h3′ link_apply=” link=” link_target=” style=” size=” subheading_active=” subheading_size=’10’ margin=” padding=’10’ color=’meta-heading’ custom_font=” custom_class=” admin_preview_bg=” av-desktop-hide=” av-medium-hide=” av-small-hide=” av-mini-hide=” av-medium-font-size-title=” av-small-font-size-title=” av-mini-font-size-title=” av-medium-font-size=” av-small-font-size=” av-mini-font-size=” av_uid=’av-2d9xwb’][/av_heading]
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Our Mission
At Jump Start we believe that all children and young people deserve the chance to reach their potential.
Jump Start was set up in 2012 by Claire Pemrick, a highly qualified and experienced Occupational Therapist and advanced Sensory Integration practitioner. Having returned to the UK from working in New York in specialist treatment centres and schools, Claire found it difficult to access specialist occupational therapy services for her own children, and realised the challenges families face trying to get the specialist support needed. Since starting, we have expanded to develop a team of highly experienced Occupational Therapists, feeding therapists, Psychologist and a sleep counsellor, who specialise in sensory integration. We have also expanded to provide specialist assessment and treatment for young adults and children in our purpose-designed Centre. Alongside assessment and treating in our purpose-designed Centre, we all visit various schools to provide regular therapy sessions and assessments.
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[av_heading heading=’Our Team ‘ tag=’h3′ link=’manually,http://’ link_target=” style=” size=” subheading_active=” subheading_size=’15’ margin=” padding=’10’ icon_padding=’10’ color=” custom_font=” icon_color=” show_icon=” icon=” font=” icon_size=” custom_class=” id=” admin_preview_bg=” av-desktop-hide=” av-medium-hide=” av-small-hide=” av-mini-hide=” av-medium-font-size-title=” av-small-font-size-title=” av-mini-font-size-title=” av-medium-font-size=” av-small-font-size=” av-mini-font-size=” av-medium-font-size-1=” av-small-font-size-1=” av-mini-font-size-1=”][/av_heading]
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Our dynamic team of highly qualified healthcare and educational professionals have a wealth of clinical experience and knowledge. We offer assessments, treatment programmes, unique sensory diets, as well as training for schools, parents and support groups. At Jump Start we use innovative therapy techniques and specialist equipment to help people reach their goals and fulfil their potential.
All therapists and staff hold current DBS certificates and are Health and Care Professions Council registered.
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[av_team_member name=’Claire Pemrick’ job=’Director Jump Start Therapy, Occupational Therapist. PGDip OT, BA (hons), Advanced Sensory Integration Practitioner’ src=’https://www.jumpstartcentre.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/Claire-280×300.jpg’ attachment=’4211′ attachment_size=’medium’ image_width=’av-team-img-original’ description=’Claire has over 20 years of experience working with children both in the UK and the US. She holds degrees in Occupational Therapy (BA Hons), and Communication Disorders (BA Hons). She has Masters level training in Sensory Integration and is an Advanced Practitioner, a Mentor to level 4 students, and was previously the co-editor of the SI networks e-newsletter emphaSIze. She is a member of the College of OTs, HCPC and DBS registered.
Claire gained her experience working for the NHS, and at a national Children’s Charity. She furthered her experience as a sole practitioner, and established Jump Start Therapy in 2012 to expand the practice.
Claire’s expertise lies with treating children with diagnoses such as Autism Spectrum Conditions, Dyspraxia, Cerebal Palsy, and Sensory Processing Disorders. She is now specialising in the area of Attachment, working with many adopted and fostered children.
She works directly with schools, local authorities and can provide expert assessment reports for use in tribunals. Claire has recently trained in Sensory Attachment Intervention and has expertise working in the area of adoption/ fostering. Several local authorities have used her expertise in this specialist area.
Contact Claire on claire@jumpstartcentre.co.uk’ font_color=” custom_title=” custom_content=” av_uid=’av-185pqzf’ admin_preview_bg=”][/av_team_member]
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[av_team_member name=’Anna Porter’ job=’Administrator (Finance) ‘ src=’https://www.jumpstartcentre.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/IMG_1935-300×200.jpg’ attachment=’4408′ attachment_size=’medium’ image_width=’av-team-img-original’ description=’Anna has been with Jump Start from it’s early beginnings, and is the main point of contact for any finance queries. Anna also leads on our policies, health and safety, and she takes all the bookings for our Training Courses at Lexden Lodge.
Anna graduated from Edinburgh University in 2000, gaining a first class Masters degree in Geography and Social Anthropology. She worked for 10 years in London as a television researcher and producer, mainly in current affairs. In 2011, Anna moved to Essex to be closer to family, and has mainly spent her time looking after her three boys. Jump Start offers Anna the opportunity for varied work in a developing and stimulating environment. She strongly believes in the benefits that Occupational Therapy can bring to children and their families.
In addition to running her busy household of boys, Anna has also volunteered at Colchester Women’s Refuge, as part of the Outreach Team, and been an active member of Kelvedon & Feering Preschool Committee. Most recently she is has joined the charity Home Start as a volunteer to support families in times of need.
Contact Anna for any queries about Jump Start or to find out more about how we can help you.
anna@jumpstartcentre.co.uk’ font_color=” custom_title=” custom_content=” av_uid=’av-xk9r4r’ admin_preview_bg=”][/av_team_member]
[av_one_half first av_uid=’av-q95vh7′]
[av_team_member name=’Tania Slavin ‘ job=’Occupational Therapist BSc, Sensory Integration Practitioner’ src=’https://www.jumpstartcentre.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/IMG_1926-300×200.jpg’ attachment=’4406′ attachment_size=’medium’ image_width=’av-team-img-original’ description=’Tania joined Jump Start in 2018 and she brings a wealth of experience and expertise to the team. She is our School’s Lead, providing guidance and support to our team in Specialist schools, and creating working relationships with management within schools. She is responsible for developing care pathways and policies within our service.
Tania qualified in New Zealand in 2010 (Bachelor of Health Science, Occupational Therapy), and she has worked internationally in the fields of Mental Health and Paediatric OT. In the UK, she has worked widely across the NHS and her last placement was in Specialist Services for Children and Young People, NHS North East London Foundation Trust. She was responsible for Early Years, and was the Autism and Schools Lead.
Her caseload has been varied and extensive, including children with cerebral palsy, neurodegenerative genetic conditions, ASD, ADHD, global development delay, DCD, traumatic brain injury, mild to severe physical disability, hemiplegia, learning disability, sensory processing issues, and Downs Syndrome.
Tania is a passionate and dedicated team player and is keen to develop Jump Start’s links and service delivery to Specialist schools.
Tania has completed her Sensory Integration Level 3, has attended the Sensory Attachment Intervention Level 1 for Therapists and completed DMM training (Dynamic-Maturational Model) of attachment and adoption at the Tavistock.
Contact Tania on tania@jumpstartcentre.co.uk’ font_color=” custom_title=” custom_content=” av_uid=’av-nqhrrf’ admin_preview_bg=”][/av_team_member]
[av_one_half av_uid=’av-q95vh7′]
[av_team_member name=’Hayley Hardcastle ‘ job=’Occupational Therapist BSc Hons (OT)’ src=’https://www.jumpstartcentre.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/IMG_1930-300×213.jpg’ attachment=’4407′ attachment_size=’medium’ image_width=’av-team-img-original’ description=’Hayley is a Senior Occupational Therapist, with Sensory Integration training level 2/3, and Sensory Attachment Intervention level 1. Hayley has over 20 years experience in Occupational Therapy and has worked in various settings including adult resource units, children’s own homes, special schools, preschool nurseries, clinics and mainstream schools. Hayley set up and ran the OT department at Doucecroft School, Autism Anglia, for the last 8 years. She was responsible for providing support for children with autism spectrum conditions and additional complex needs.
Hayley is passionate about her key interests in Sensory Integration, Attachment therapy and autism, and is keen to develop her expertise in the area of Attachment. She has completed her DMM Training (Dynamic-Maturational Model) of attachment and adaption at the Tavistock.
Hayley has worked for in the NHS for a large part of her career, including Suffolk and West Suffolk PCT, and began by working within social services.
Another key interest of Hayley‘s is to be creative with strategies and ideas in therapy. She enjoys collating resources and has recently compiled a booklet entitled, ’Sensory Strategies for Personal Care’ (found on Autism Anglia Website).
Outside of her busy work life, Hayley has found time for numerous voluntary roles, including setting up a handwriting and coordination group in a local school.
Contact Hayley on hayley@jumpstartcentre.co.uk’ font_color=” custom_title=” custom_content=” lazy_loading=’disabled’ id=” custom_class=” av_uid=’av-nqhrrf’ admin_preview_bg=”][/av_team_member]
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[av_team_member name=’Julia Gray ‘ job=’Administrator ‘ src=’https://www.jumpstartcentre.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/IMG_7921-207×300.jpg’ attachment=’4878′ attachment_size=’medium’ image_width=’av-team-img-original’ description=’Julia Gray is the first point of contact when getting in touch with Jump Start, and we are delighted to have her as part of the team. Julia has worked for over 20 years in the City for several financial services institutions. She has worked as an Executive Assistant to the Head of IT and also worked on a major change programme for a large French Bank. She brings a wealth of experience and skills from all the roles she has undertaken.
For the last 10 years Julia has looked after her two boys full time at home. Her eldest child has additional needs, and she is extremely knowledgeable, from a parent prospective, regarding issues such as Educational Health Care Plans, and the challenges that parents face.
Julia also volunteers for a local Essex Charity SNAP (Special Needs and Parents), which helps families with children and young people who have any special need or disability.
SNAP’s aims are to inform, encourage and support parents and carers so that they can grow in strength and knowledge and become better equipped to give the best possible help to their children.
Julia also helps and takes an active role in both the boys PTFA at their schools.
Contact Julia directly on julia@jumpstartcentre.co.uk’ font_color=” custom_title=” custom_content=” lazy_loading=’disabled’ id=” custom_class=” av_uid=’av-nqhrrf’ admin_preview_bg=”][/av_team_member]
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[av_team_member name=’Lesley Cardy’ job=’Occupational Therapist BSc Hons (OT)’ src=’https://www.jumpstartcentre.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/Lesleyimage-225×300.jpg’ attachment=’4871′ attachment_size=’medium’ image_width=’av-team-img-original’ description=’Lesley joined Jump Start in April 2019, having spent the previous 7 years working for a NHS service for children who have a diagnosed moderate to severe learning disability. She also worked with families to assess and manage the child’s behaviour. It was in this role that she undertook training in Sensory Integration, gaining a Post Graduate Certificate from Ulster University. Working in this role taught Lesley how to assess children who are not able to complete standardised assessments. This focused upon clinical observations, discussions with caregivers and spending time engaging the child in sensory play activities.
Lesley has a previous degree in Anthropology and Cultural Studies and a BSc in Occupational Therapy from the University of Essex, as a newly qualified Occupational Therapist she worked within a mental health team.
Following this training Lesley developed an interest in the complexities of family dynamics and trauma and how these impact on a child’s ability to function. This interest led her to complete the Sensory Attachment Level 1 course, DMM Training (Dynamic-Maturational Model) of attachment and adaption at the Tavistock and she has undertaken the ‘Just Right State’ Programme in June 2019.
Since joining the Jump Start team Lesley has undertaken Sensory Attachment Assessments, direct sensory and emotional regulation intervention with children both at the clinic and within their home environment. Lesley is passionate about educating others and supporting caregivers to gain a greater understanding of their child’s nervous system. She is interested in developing ways in which people can adapt their environment and their bodies through exercise, giving them the sensory feedback they require throughout their day.
Contact Lesley at lesley@jumpstartcentre.co.uk’ font_color=” custom_title=” custom_content=” lazy_loading=’disabled’ id=” custom_class=” av_uid=’av-nqhrrf’ admin_preview_bg=”][/av_team_member]
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[av_team_member name=’Adriana Osborn ‘ job=’Occupational Therapist BSc Hons (OT)’ src=’https://www.jumpstartcentre.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/adri-image.jpeg’ attachment=’4869′ attachment_size=’full’ image_width=’av-team-img-original’ description=’Adriana is a Senior Occupational Therapist and has been a qualified practitioner for over 20 years. She is currently our School’s Lead, and overall responsibility for our support role in specialist schools.
Prior to joining Jump Start she has worked in both the Mental Health and Children’s services; within the NHS in the UK and in private practice in Singapore. She has worked in various settings including adult inpatient hospitals, the community, special schools, preschool nurseries, mainstream schools and clinics.
Adriana originally graduated from Oxford Brookes University and over the years she has aimed to continue her professional development. Recently she completed postgraduate training in Sensory Integration (SI) with the University of Southern California, covering Theoretical Foundations of SI, SI Evaluation and Clinical Reasoning, SI Treatment, SI for Individuals on the Autistic Spectrum, and SI in Schools. She also has completed training in Co-op Coaching Techniques, Developmental Play and the “Phono-Graphix” reading scheme.
Her particular interest is in how play can profoundly affect a child’s development and this guides her approach to assessment and treatment sessions.
She has 4 children, 2 at university and 2 who are in the top end of secondary school. At home she enjoys walking her dog and completing jigsaw puzzles for relaxation.
Contact Adriana at adriana@jumpstartcentre.co.uk’ font_color=” custom_title=” custom_content=” lazy_loading=’disabled’ id=” custom_class=” av_uid=’av-nqhrrf’ admin_preview_bg=”][/av_team_member]
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[av_team_member name=’Ciara Mitchell ‘ job=’Occupational Therapist BSc Hons (OT)’ src=’https://www.jumpstartcentre.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/Ciaraimage-221×300.jpg’ attachment=’4870′ attachment_size=’medium’ image_width=’av-team-img-original’ description=’Ciara has recently joined Jump Start as a Senior Occupational therapist with sensory integration level training 2 (completing SI Level 3). She has been qualified for almost 7 years and has experience in forensic mental health, Adult mental health and most recently she have worked in a child and adolescent mental health ward for children and young people with complex needs including those with autism and learning disabilities. Ciara has worked very closely with those young people with ASD, learning disabilities and complex trauma histories which led her to complete further training in sensory integration to learn more about how best to support them. She has experience of applying Dialectical behavioural therapy (DBT) principles within her work. I have worked both for the NHS and private companies throughout her career.
For Jump Start Ciara visits numerous specialist schools to give support with SI intervention. She also enjoys clinic time at JSC to conduct sensory assessments, comprehensive reports and complete SI interventions.
In my spare time she enjoys reading, baking, going to the gym and running.
My key areas of interest include: ASD, family work, schools, trauma informed approaches, DBT.
Contact Ciara at ciara@jumpstartcentre.co.uk’ font_color=” custom_title=” custom_content=” lazy_loading=’disabled’ id=” custom_class=” av_uid=’av-nqhrrf’ admin_preview_bg=”][/av_team_member]
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[av_team_member name=’Fran Davies ‘ job=’Consultant Clinical Psychologist’ src=” attachment=” attachment_size=” image_width=’av-team-img-original’ description=’Fran Davies, BA Hons( Oxon) PgCESpEd, PgCHEP, MSc, MSc Clin Psy, MA Oxon, is an HCPC registered Practitioner Psychologist and an Associate Fellow of the British Psychological Society. Fran is also on the register of applied psychology supervisors ( RAPPS) and has many years of consultancy experience.
Following her degree in Experimental Psychology at University of Oxford, Fran spent the first three years of postgraduate life as Research Officer at the MRC Cognitive Development Unit in London, working on Theory of MInd research. Fran then took up a place at University College London where she completed her three year Clinical Psychology training.
Qualified for more than 25 years, Fran has worked in a variety of NHS, local authority, third sector and private outpatient , educational and residential settings, working therapeutically with children, young people and their families and carers. Client groups include children and adults with disabilities & autism, looked after children and those with complex attachment, mental health or neurodevelopmental presentations. Fran has set up and lead a multidisciplinary team specialising in supporting individuals with ASD and co-coordinated the setting up and running of an adult ASD diagnostic service. Fran has also worked as a lecturer and enjoys delivering training across a broad spectrum of topics and audiences. Fran is trained to use a wide range of specialist assessment and therapeutic methods. In addition to her role at Jumpstart, Fran is also the Lead Clinical Psychologist for a brain injury rehabilitation service.
Contact Fran directly: fran@jumpstartcentre.co.uk’ font_color=” custom_title=” custom_content=” lazy_loading=’disabled’ id=” custom_class=” av_uid=’av-nqhrrf’ admin_preview_bg=”][/av_team_member]
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[av_team_member name=’Matt Slavin’ job=’Clinical Psychologist’ src=” attachment=” attachment_size=” image_width=’av-team-img-original’ description=’Dr Matthew Slavin; DClinPsych is a Clinical Psychologist registered with the Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC) and is a Chartered Member (CPsychol) of the British Psychological Society.
Matt provides specialist assessment, therapy, consultation, training and clinical supervision to support vulnerable client groups across the life span.
With specialist training and practice in the areas of developmental psychology, trauma, attachment and systemic practice, Matt is committed to improving the lives of children, young people and families affected by separation, loss and trauma. Matt invites children, young people and families into a safe authentic compassionate therapeutic space which offers warmth, acceptance, and healing. He works collaboratively with families to explore together the emotional distress and difficulties present in a shared understanding (i.e. formulation) and makes sure that therapeutic goals are meaningful for client’s lives. Knowing that opportunities for healing and growth happen within trusted relationships, Matt makes sure to spend the time to build a strong therapeutic alliance and ensures he helps guide individuals through moments of hardship and joy within sessions. With clinical and research expertise in nature-based therapies, Matt works in and outside of the clinic ensuring that sessions meet the individual needs of the children and families he sees, and that fun, exploration and discovery are sewn into the seeds of change.
Contact Matt directly: matt@jumpstartcentre.co.uk’ font_color=” custom_title=” custom_content=” lazy_loading=’disabled’ id=” custom_class=” av_uid=’av-nqhrrf’ admin_preview_bg=”][/av_team_member]
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[av_team_member name=’Naomi Schreuder’ job=’Occupational Therapist’ src=” attachment=” attachment_size=” image_width=’av-team-img-original’ description=’
Contact Naomi directly: ns@jumpstartcentre.co.uk’ font_color=” custom_title=” custom_content=” lazy_loading=’disabled’ id=” custom_class=” av_uid=’av-nqhrrf’ admin_preview_bg=”][/av_team_member]
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[av_team_member name=’Naomi Wingrove’ job=’Occupational Therapist’ src=” attachment=” attachment_size=” image_width=’av-team-img-original’ description=’
Contact Naomi directly: nw@jumpstartcentre.co.uk’ font_color=” custom_title=” custom_content=” lazy_loading=’disabled’ id=” custom_class=” av_uid=’av-nqhrrf’ admin_preview_bg=”][/av_team_member]
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The Jump Start Therapy Centre, based in Feering, North Essex, offers a rich therapeutic experience with a suite of therapy options only available in a clinic setting. We have three treatment rooms, which include a purpose built sensory integration gym, fine motor and handwriting room, special feeding and messy play area and spacious assessment room. Our up to date equipment is specially designed for our therapy, and includes the use of suspended swings, ball pit and climbing apparatus.
We have designated parking spaces available, please see our information pack for further information.
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[av_heading heading=’What others say about us’ tag=’h3′ link_apply=” link=” link_target=” style=” size=” subheading_active=” subheading_size=’15’ margin=” padding=’10’ color=” custom_font=” custom_class=” admin_preview_bg=” av-desktop-hide=” av-medium-hide=” av-small-hide=” av-mini-hide=” av-medium-font-size-title=” av-small-font-size-title=” av-mini-font-size-title=” av-medium-font-size=” av-small-font-size=” av-mini-font-size=” av_uid=’av-5ficjv’][/av_heading]
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[av_testimonials style=’grid’ columns=’2′ grid_style=” interval=’5′ font_color=” custom_title=” custom_content=” av_uid=’av-655hkr’ admin_preview_bg=”]
[av_testimonial_single src=” name=’Parent of Child with Autism’ subtitle=” link=” linktext=” av_uid=’av-40fsa3′]
I wanted to take this opportunity to say a BIG thank you for all your hard work, support and help. You have single-handedly made such a difference to his life: from not being able to recognise his emotions (especially when he is very angry), understanding when he needs to calm down, starting to being able to talk about his feelings, to so much more!
I know that we are on a long journey but feel confident that we are on a good one towards independence and achievement.
I will endeavour to continue to carry on with the hard work and build on what you have started. Thank you so very much and I wish you every success with your wonderful work.
[av_testimonial_single src=” name=’Parent of Lawrence ‘ subtitle=” link=” linktext=” av_uid=’av-2v2svv’]
My son Lawrence was diagnosed with Low Functioning Autism and Profound Global Developmental Delay.
Claire is warm and welcoming as well as extremely professional. She followed up our assessment with a number of courtesy calls.
Such was Claire’s level of concern that she asked my permission for her to visit Lawrence in school to help with his assessment and see if there were any strategies that might help the situation. Here she witnessed first hand his extreme behaviour.
Claire quickly recognised that Lawrence was gaining some relief from deep pressure. She showed staff how to safely apply deep pressure and other sensory interventions.
Lawrence has since been diagnosed with Sensory Processing Dysfunction. Claire has been a huge support, always available for advice and support.
[av_testimonial_single src=” name=’Child at Jump Start Centre’ subtitle=” link=’http://’ linktext=” av_uid=’av-3klfvf’]
“Good time space for everyone, lots to do, relaxed atmosphere”
[av_testimonial_single src=” name=’Child at Jump Start Centre’ subtitle=” link=’http://’ linktext=” av_uid=’av-31vsbv’]
“best place ever” & “good and fun”